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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Culinary School.. Weight Loss Competition with the Boyfriend

To start..

CHARGERS WON!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOooo 28 to 18 baby!! :]
Ok so right now.. i'm sitting at Coffee Bean with the hubs..

watching him do his homework.. while i pretend to look sophisticated with my completely barefaced self.. on the lap top.
Did you guys know that Coffee bean has YOGURT blended drinks?! Crazy huh? It looks good.. but.. i couldn't get myself to try it lOl so i stuck with getting the ultimate mocha ice blended drink.. yum....... :]

So.. i've only got.. a few more months.. till I'm off to New York for Culinary school.. and really it's freaking me out..
It'll be the first time I'm on my own.. jeez. it's scary.. to think.. I'm going away so far from my family.. friends.. and bf.. SCARY!!!!!! I know it's time.. but.. i feel like i'm completely not prepared.

*Sigh. The only thing I can think about.. is.. what if I get sick or have an emergency or something crazy happens. What the heck do I do then?! I'm such a baby when it comes to being alone. I HATE being alone. I'm not spoiled when it comes to material things.. but I DEFINITELY am spoiled when it comes to love. My boyfriend and family are ALWAYS there to comfort me and take care of me when I'm in need.. BUT WTH am i suppose to do when I'm in NY.

OK. I'll quit sounding like a baby. LOL.
On the bright side, I'm still excited. I feel this next step in my life is going to be insane! I can't wait to experience life and NEW YORK! I want to succeed and prove to everyone that I'm not just a girl. I'm praying that I meet some SUPER fabulousssssnessness people when I get there. :]

hMmmMmM what else..
I didn't do my makeup today..cause well... I just got lazy. Sometimes.. I like being completely barefaced although others might not like seeing me this way Hahahaha. OH WELL DEAL WITH IT!


Bong (my boyfriend) has officially reached my weight and so.. we're off to COMBAT some hardcore weight loss. :] Me vs. Him. My goal weight.. is 125. That's a good.. 40 lbs!!!!! WOOOOOOOO! Bet you guys didn't know I weighed that much huh?! YUPPPPPPP! I'm a chubster... I'm 5'5 1/2.. and my weight is def. up there.. BUTT Even though I'm a bit heavy.. I'm super proud of myself.. cause I've kept off 40 lbs. (I use to be 200 two years ago) Crazy huh?
So wish me luck ladies!!!!! Cause i'm going to work my
There is no way in HECKKKKk i'm going backwards in time.. all there is.. is.. moving forward!! STRAIGHT AHEAD at 40935830495834095 mph!! I will def. win. :]

BRING IT ON baby! You is DEaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadd STINKY FART MEAT! LOl


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I missed the game on TV, but woo-hoo Chargers! Everyone was sporting their flags and jersey's on the streets.

    Anyways, good luck with the whole weight loss program. I am rooting for you!

  3. Being alone scares me. Thus the reason why I stayed at home and not venture off to a different county to go to University. Hahaha.

    I wish I have motivation like you to loose weight. Gah, I'm so lazy I don't even like going out anymore lol.

    But anyways, I really love your video tutorials.

  4. Hey, I hope you reach your ideal weight. Your vlogs were truly inspirational and I'll be right with you on the journey to lose weight. That way we'll have a healthy lifestyle. Oh yahh, would you mind posting some routines/exercises you do? I need to lose weight and well, nothing I do helps at all! I need help :) Anyways thanks ESTHER :)

  5. Hey :)
    Wow, nice.
    I hope you win that compitition with ur bf + i've been looking to lose about 21 pounds myself :)
    Good luck!

  6. I think your weight challenge w/ your bf is so cute!!

    Since I met my bf (1 year ago) I've gained 30lbs he's gained 40lbs! We're trying to work it off now, but it's so damn hard! It goes down and then up and down and up! It sucks.. But I definitely need to lose that weight too.
