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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

4:09am. boring update. JK!!!!!!!

soOoOOoo... it's 4:09am.. and I'm still up.. I'm always up.. until around this time.. but before I head off to bed I want to updateeee!!!!!!!

I WEIGHED INNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnn! Just cause.. it's MONDAY!! or... wait no.. it's Tuesday.. but.. officially it has been 1 full week.. since my diet & exercise and I wanna tell you guys!!

Sept 29= 167.6 lbs. (failure week. no diet. no exercise. had no membership. nada nada)
Oct 6= 169 lbs. JEEEEEEEEz! Depressing week. GOOD DIET + GOOD exercise = NO WEIGHT LOSS. only.. WEIGHT GAIN! BOOOOOOOO!
Oct 13= 165 lbs. WOOOOOOOOoo! that gives me a -4... from last monday.. YAY!!!!!

It's not much.. but.. it's something!!!!!!
THANK YOU!! ALL OF YOU! EVERYONE! For all the love & encouragement! Jeez. I had such a frustrating week last week.. but.. all of your comments.. and messages.. have really just pushed me to keep at it.. and well.. WHAT THE HECK DO I HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT!? You guys got my back! Right?!
YOU GUYS WILL STILL LOVE ME IF I'M FAT RIGHT?! hahahahah. im jking. =) YOu guys are truely the best. I'd buy allllllllllll of you ice cream if i could.. coffee ice cream... mmmmm....
for all of you... working out with me.. YOU CAN DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IT!!!! wee can dooooooooooooooooo ittttttttttt =]. ahahaha. -_--;

anyway yeah.. that's it for the Weight Update.. =]
Today I went up North to Aliso Viejo (close to Irvine) with my fam bam to see my sister. OOOOOOOOOoo I got to seee my cutie patoootie nephew. I LOVEEEEEEEE him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's so friggin cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Here's a short clip of him.. you guys haveeee to see my chunky monkey!!

My sister took him to a GAP audition.. with the outfit i bought him.. LOOOOOok!!

I get so happy just looking at him.. he's so.. chunky & chinky.. and happy!!!

Him & his best friend dressed in MOnkey Outfits LOL~!

okok.. i gotta go to sleep :]. But i'll post up tomorrow!!
Jinah <3


  1. awww sooo cute!!!!!!!!!!! the kid has a great smile! :D

  2. oh dear he is so adorable.
    my heart melted just a lil bit. lol.
    good job on losing those 4 lbs!!

  3. THAT BABY IS THE CUTEST (UNDERLINE UNDERLINE UNDERLINE!) BABY ALIVE! AHHH, your sister is so lucky! I hope he gets the Gap audition thingy ^^ LOL ouuu and also, congratulations on losing weight :)!

  4. hello jinah I really like your blog I been following it since last month and finally created a blog account C: by the way than you for making makeup easy it has help me a lot!! I also like your style and everything..oh and me to are going on a kind of diet and it also happen to me that instead of losing weight I gaing it gosh I know how you feel it is soo frustating oh another thing I want to subscribe but I dont know how and when I go and click to follow this blog it says bad request I dont know if its my computer or something with the net but anyways Im still following your blogg you are amazing girl keep up the good work and congrats on your 3000 subscribers Ihope I can be #3001 lol bye jinah
    Dayaana from Texas

  5. omg monkeeeeeeeeeeey babyyyyyy GAH!!! how adorable!!!!!!! I could just die, 'specially with teh banana!

  6. Oh my gosh, your nephew is so cute. And the outfit looks so adorable on him :D

  7. aww hes super cute and adorable :) and congrats on the weightloss! thats really really good start.

  8. first, congrats on losing weight! i too am struggling! and next, your baby is too cute for words. that monkey suit, wow!

  9. omg he is soooooo cute!!!

  10. congrats on the weight loss <3 you are an inspiration. keep it up. and btw that video was the cutesttt ever.

  11. omg. he is the cutest baby i have EVER seen!!!

    ...thought i should just let you know lol =]
