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Friday, November 7, 2008

photobucket is dumb. CONTEST!!!!!!

K. so photobucket is being really MEAN!!!!!! The whole exceeding bandwidth thing is getting annoying. I gotta find another photo site that has no limits. hmmm

I got a call this morning!! Annnnnnnd the beautifull gall that had me to do her makeup on Halloween wants me to do her makeup tonight!! Plus she's bringing over a friend perhaps to have her makeup done too?! woOoo?! Isn't that crazy! Man.. it's exhilarating! Doing makeup on people is a thrill and def. a challenge! But i loveeeeeee it!
I never everr everrr expected anyone to call me to get their makeup done..and actually.. I didn't even.. advertise anywhere.. or anything =) The money isn't bad either... it's a good sidejob.. =)

Alright.. onto the heavy duty stuff..
So.. on youtube I posted my sale video right.. cause i'm not sure if all of you know.. but I have an online store.. where I sell NYX.. In summary.. I'm getting rid of ALL MY INVENTORY.. and i'll be selling everything at a discounted price. So ok.. i post the sale video.. and in my video i explain that the sale is not ready yet.. but that i can reserve products for people.. HOLYYYYYYY SH*T!! so.. literally.. in a matter of an hour.. my inbox.. had 61 messages!!! 61 messages of products being reserved.. The thing that makes me sad is.. LOL.. I don't have half the things that people have been requesting =*( boooo... and for sure there won't be enough of certain things to go around. *sigh. HECTIC HECTIC HECTIC. I'd just list the sale on the website all at once.. although because my site is pretty ghetto (i made it from scratch).. i don't have a program to keep track of inventory.. meaning.. that I HAVE to go into the website everytime someone buys something and mark the inventory down MANUALLY. yeah.
The down side with that.. If i open up the site.. and there's alot of traffic.. MANY people will order the same thing.. and guess what.. there won't be enough stuff!!!!!!! =*( then i'd be super sad.. booooooooo...

Soooooo. here's what I'm planning to do..
I'll hold stuff for all the people who messaged me in order... and message them individually letting them know their stuff is ready. If they don't respond. i'll split the products and reserve them for the next people. Once that happens.. well... i'll direct the rest.

OKAYYYYYYY so the other thing.


SO i decided.. to hold my 2nd contest.. and I hopeeeeeeee there's some good outcomes! I know there'll be! I'm excited to see all the looks that people doooooooooo. HOpe some of you guys enter toooo!!!

Qualifications & Requirements:
-Must be a subscriber
-Make a video tutorial or photo tutorial replicating your favorite makeup guru's look using ALL drugstore products
-The video must be made SOLEY for this contest & to share =)
-Please indicate who you're replicating and what you are using somewhere in your video
-Show your products that you use
-Link your favorite guru's look somewhere in your description box

There will be 1st & 2nd prize! All you lovely international viewers can enter too!!

- you may use any primer you'd like
- you can use your daily foundation & powder although if you use a drugstore brand it would be very nice =)
-NYX & coastal scents can be used... but i'd like it to be as drug store as possible =D
-example of drug store brands: loreal, maybelline, covergirl, jesse's girl, rimmel, nyc, almay, physicians formula, milani, ETC.... if it's on CVS, RITE AID, WALGREEN, etc.. website it's OKAY! :]

Deadline has been extended because of holidays!: NOVEMBER 30, 2008 @ 11:59pm

Have fun ladies!!

K. that's it for now! Did i mention I got a ticket!!!!!!!! =( boo. a speeding ticket. FRUITY!!!!!!1 anyway tonight I'm taking my camera!!! So i can show you guys what I did! I'll talk to you guys soooooooooon <3


  1. I know!
    PhotoBucket can be such a pain!

    Try Flickr, or just upload your photos onto blogger, when your make a new post.

  2. Photobucket is a PAIN!!!
    haha try using
    it works really well also!

  3. try making a NEW album under your same photobucket and i think u should be fine.
    just try to delete some photos under that album and maybe they'll re-appear.

  4. photobucket is grrrrr at times!!!

    try using, they've been pretty good for me with uploads!!

  5. hey try theyre quite gud! :)

  6. hi jinah! i love you blog! i hope you dont mind me linkin you

  7. good, i just made a lot of bran-new emo backgrounds at my blog
