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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

partyyy foullllllll!

I've kept you guys out of the loop!! PARTY FOUL on my part! But you know what!! i'm back!

On another note... I've missed you guys TONSSSSSSSs! All of your encouraging messages and allll the companionship!

So.. What the heck have i been up to? Let me give you guys a quick update...
Diet wise= NO CHANGE. wooooooo =_=; lol.
Everyone on youtube says i look as though i've lost alot of weight.. but no =( It's just my hair.. my hair covers my face now.. so i look thinner in a sense? BOOO. sorry to disappoint you guys. I know i should've been keeping up with the diet thing.. but you know what!!!! I've learned a few things over the holidays about my weight issue..

1.) That I have OTHER priorities that are FAR more important then the flab on my stomach.
2.) That this obsession with looking perfect only makes me lose my esteem more
3.) That no matter what i look like.. or how much i weigh.. I need to love myself regardless...

Yes losing weight is important for me health wise in the long run.. but as of now.. I need to focus on moving forward with my life....

I'm 22.. I should've already graduated from college.. but I still haven't.. It's time for me to turn the tables..

It's 2009 ladies!!
I'm moving to NY soon.. and I'm more determined then ever to make a name for myself.. to become fully independent.. to meet new people.. make great friends.. and reach for my dreams. No more excuses.. no more slacking.. There's no room for excuses!!! NOOOOo talk just WALK!!

Moving on..

Makeup wise.. well I think I'm going to start making a portfolio for myself.. so that when I go to New York.. I can apply at MAC as soon as i get there.. for a possible part time job while i'm in school?

OoooO and.. on thursday I have my first photo shoot!! I'll be doing makeup for two ladies.. of course i'm doing it for free since it'll benefit me too..
Then next week I might have another photo shoot! Crazy huh!!

Also tomorrow I have a possible sponsorship.. with some cosmetics company.. I'm not sure exactly who they are.. but I have a meeting with them tomorrow night.. Kind of excited =) I think they want me to help them market their product? But of course I explained that the only way that I'd do that is if IIIIIIIIIIIII truely enjoyed their products myself.. and if IIIIIIII thought it'd be worth the money...

ANYWHOooooooooooooo =)... I'm at coffee bean right now.. i'm working on my nephews 1st Bday slide thingy for his party on saturday..... it's cold in here!!

Oooo if any of you guys have a webcam... DOWNLOAD OOVOO!!! and call me? LOL we'll conference chat! The program is crazyyyyy... it's like live streaming webcam chat.. that's SUPERRR fast.. my OOVOO account name= JINAHCHAE

TTYLadies later <3


  1. Jinah! I love you! hehe, I really enjoy reading your blog. I think it's great you're striving for independence. I'm 21, and I'm feeling the same way. Best of luck to you in all your endeavors :)

    <3 Steph

  2. ooh congrats ! i'm so proud of ya ! yay ! yes, oovoo is the best we can video each other =). i'll add you to my bl hehe ;D. hope things go well for you and hit me up when you're in NYC !

  3. jinah thats awesome :) goodluck with everything!!

  4. Jinah, glad you are back! I've still been watching you on yt though lol - by the way, I think you are right about the weight issue. Just try to focus on eating healthily and it will all fall into place! You look fab at the moment by the way xxx

  5. you are such a positive and a smart girl. You are totally right, life is so much more than worry about weight! It's a good idea you start building your portfolio now so you can apply for MAC. I'm in NYC and I will book you as my MA when you get here :)

  6. Hi Jinah :)

    No, we've never talked before or anything, but I just wanted to say that you're pretty awesome :)

    What are you moving to NY for though? Just curious :)

  7. yeah! glad that your back on the web! im glad everything is going great with you. omg jinah i failed in my diet 2!! lol :/

  8. Hi Jinah. I just stumbled on your blog and I wanted to give you props on the awesome makeup tutorials. I really love that purple smokey look you did. I also wanted to mention that I myself have struggled with weight loss. Back in September 2007, I was 187 lbs and now I weigh 148 lbs. I think I was so depress about my father's passing that's why I loss all that weight. I wasn't trying to starve myself but I just didn't have the appetite. My weight fluctuated until I finally decided that it's time for a change. I kept thinking about all the times, I felt unhappy by the way I looked. Without even realizing it, I started to become more in control of my life. Before I use to eat whenever I was upset and I would end up over eating because I felt guilty about not finishing my food because there are so many people starving elsewhere. Then I woke up. I decided that, if I'm hungry I will eat and when I'm full I will stop. It's all about self control but most of all its about loving yourself. Be happy and without realizing it you will see change. Anyways, I just wanted you to know that you are not alone and that I wish you all the best in all your endeavors. Take care.

  9. Hey! I was on youtube and came across yours and then came to your blog. I was going through your older post cause I have monolids too and out of all the videos, you are by far the cutest and the only one that actually does decent make up! Anyways, so I stumbled upon your club pictures and what do you know, SMALL WORLD! I totally know your bf, Bong! He used to kick it with a group of my old high school friends, I think out of all of them he might remember my friend, Benjo, the most. haha. He was always the one singing. hahaha. Anyways, lucky you to be with someone who can sing you to sleep!!

    okay now I'm talking a lot but I think it's so crazy how small the world really is!! Keep posting!

  10. Hi Jina~
    I came across ur youtube and blog~I just want to tell u that ur makeup tutorials are awsome~~~ : )
    oooo~ and i cant believe you lost all that weight! I wish I can able to do that! : (

    Have a nice day Jina!
