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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Challenging Yourself

Good morning loves =)
So I've been getting alot of messages about how I get the motivation to work out and change my lifestyle... So I've been thinking about how I get myself to do what I've been doing and the outcome is...

By reminding myself what I don't want to be. Working out everyday shows a lot of self discipline and determination. It sure as hell isn't easy. I mean think about it, how many of us say that we're going to work out and lose weight but don't do it? It's rarer then you guys might think, to find a person nowadays that does what they say they're going to do. That's how i get motivated personally. I don't want to be known as the lazy one, I don't want to be known as the fat girl that just whines about her weight but does nothing about it, I don't want people not believing what I say or doubting me. I want to be assertive and prove to others that i DO have the self discipline, that I AM not lazy, that I CAN do things that i say i'm going to do. Because overall, when you say you're going to do something and you don't, not just when it comes to weight, but everything in general, people attach that to your character.

Think positive girls, push yourself, force yourself, don't make excuses. Don't even give yourself TIME to make excuses. Truthfully i wake up thinking, "FUGGGg.. i don't want to work out.." and you know what I do? As soon as i say that.. I'm already getting dressed to go to the gym. I don't lounge around thinking about maybe I should just rest. I just force my body to start heading to the gym even if I want to bail. Sometimes it's so hard I want to cry. But... I just do it and by the time I let myself think again, I'm done! It's hard work! I know! and it's sooooooo hard! I know.. believe me. But you HAVE to do it if you want to change.

Change is hard work. Change is also one of the most admirable traits in my opinion. A person that can change themselves can do anything. Don't get stuck in your comfort zone, don't allow yourself to limit your potential. WHY do you want to stay as you are if you can work to become even MORE AMAZING!

I know it's hard, but I know!!! everyone can do it.

Another thing, stay positive. STOP the negative comments, stop talking to yourself badly. STOP crtitizing your body. I'm now learning to appreciate myself in all aspects. It really does hurt your self esteem horribly when you keep looking at yourself in the mirror and saying.. "fugg.. i'm too fat.. fug.. i'm so ugly.. fugg.. i wish i were different" STOP!!!!

I'm still learning to do the same but lets work at it together you know?! We can be amazing, people appreciate confident women. MEN yes, MEN adore women that are confident even if they got some chubs on them!

I love you guys and from the deepest depths of my heart hope that you find the point in your life where you come to realize that it is possible, that you are amazing and that you are beautiful both inside and out.

Especially you youngins =).
A note to my little cutie patootie girls, you don't have to be stick skinny, don't think you have to be perfect. You guys will learn in time that, that is not what matters!

Have a wonderful Thursday loves! <3 will =")">

LOL. I totally forgot. I have more pictures of what I did in class to show you guys!

M y work station =)
My amazing chef!
My Knife tray before I did my precision cutsMy knife tray after I did my precision cuts!
(top- thin slice onion, small dice onion, tomato concasse, bottom minced shallot, minced garlic, Parsley chiffonade, sachet, med dice 1/2" x 1/2" potato (literally.. exactly.. ), Potato julienne/ allumette 1/8"x1/8" -1-2", potato brunoise 1/8"x1/8"x1/8", potato batonnet 1/4x1/4- 1-2 1/2")
I made lentil puree yesterday with croutons, lemon juice & fresh chervil =)


  1. jinah i really like this post! im starting to work out myself and trying to eat better! hehe and i love your pics on what u did in class the soup looks yummm <3

  2. Thanks for motivating us! I need to learn from you and start working out again!
    omg I love love love all the pictures you post about what you do in class, look at that knife work! I'm so impressed :)

  3. Your precision cuts look so good.
    I best you were the best in your class that day!

  4. your precision cutting looks so good!! and that soup looks delish :)

  5. yummie soup!geesh jinah, you are such a precious motivator! I'm planning on dieting too because I feel like I've gain so much weight especially my freshman year as a college student. geesh jinah you are so lucky to have worked so hard! I hope you know that you are such an inspiration and I definitely will carry your advices with me. Thanks so much jinah! I hope you reach your goal!

  6. so inspirational. thank you :)

  7. 'Nuff said!
    Thanks for the great post.

  8. I agree on the exercising in the morning.
    I think the only thing that's really helped me be successful at weight loss is doing it first thing in the morning. I've tried after school or after work aaaand... yeah... there's always a better excuse than to get sweaty. So, I love your post. You go girl!

  9. I hope that one day you achieve your goal weight. Im also working on loosing weight for the summer. The food looks delicious and I love your makeup videos! You are a great role model and I wish you luck!!

  10. Hello!!! =) I am so glad that I read your blog today .. that is the motivation I need it today .. because its so easy to let yourself go and be in your confort zone and then complaining... I am so proud of your progress =) and I am also having mine =) thanks a lot ! and your cuttings are soooo perfect in my opinion =)

  11. omg jinah! I'm starting my workout routine tomorrow. I am so committed to doing this because like you said, I'm stopping the excuses and I'm ready take on the new me!! I'm ready to look my best and I'm ready to feel better about myself and love my wide hips (41 inches by the way I am only 5'1 inches) and love my self and think more positively about my self. I hope you keep updating this blog because everyday you lose a pound or 2 or 3, that just keeps motivating me to try and lose a pound or 2 or 3. Take kare jinah, you are such an awesome person and I'm glad that you have already come so far!!
    Best of luck to you and me!!

    My goal weight: 125
    My weight:160
    Height: 5'1ish or 5'2
    Hips:41 inches
    waist:32 inches
    week: 1

    Keep u updated!

  12. This post hit home for me. It made me realize how much I batter myself wishing I was someone else when I looked in the mirror... So thank you. I've been working out but it never feels like there is a change so I get frustrated and lose hope. But your words helped me and I will stop screwing up my own self esteem :) And work harder. Thank you. It's better to hear stuff like this from a person you know understands how you feel so thank you so much- jessi

  13. Wow this was an amazing post thank you for giving me motivations
