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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

wooooO day 2!!!!

I'm soooooooo completely exhausted.. but pumped up the nose hole!

This morning I got up at 7am.. to do some hw.. then at around 8:30am I jetted to the gym.. again.. I did 45 minutes of hard cardio..
15 minutes on the stairmaster: -111 cal
20 minutes on the ellipticals: -183 cal
10 minutes on the bike: -108 cal.

Total burned: -402 calories
After cardio, I grabbed some 5 pound dumb bells and started doing some tricep/ bicep workouts.. some squats.. and WALAAA finito =)

I slept in the sauna again for 15 minutes.. oo.. it felt so good! I really feel like my skin is getting better by the day because of it!

Anywho.. so I haaveee a confession to make.. and you guys probably won't be so happy.. BUT!!!!!!!! on the bright side I have good news.

Not only am i dieting & exercising.. but i'm quiting smoking. I know i know.. it might sound bad to you guys.. but it's really hard not to smoke here because of the stress level. I mean.. any of you who've worked in the food industry know how hellish it can be.. That's school here everyday, although we enjoy it still =). But yeah. I'm quiting today.. and so far.. it's been hard as heck. I mean right when i woke up i was craving.. then right after i worked out i was craving.. and nowwww that i finished my cereal i'm craving.

GRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I can do it! I can do it! I want to become healthy and active.. and get rid of all my bad habits. Not only like my health habits but just habits in general. I don't want to procrastinate, I don't want to be lazy, I want to be proactive and do what I say I'm going to do.

I know it takes time.. and it's a day by day effort but I'm so determined to change and become better.. you have no idea =)

PLUSSSSSSSSs I have a pretty good incentive. I can't tell you ladies what it is yet. But talk about smiles. I'm pretty determined to reach my goals for the incentive. I CAN DO IT I CAN DO IT!

K getting ready for class =) Update you guys tomorrow!
Wish me luck! It's my first kitchen class (I'll be learning everything to do with soups & sauces)

Oh yeah! BTW. What I ate for breakfast/lunch.
1 Cup Whole wheat cheerios w. 1% fat milk. = 220 cal
1 macintosh apple = 70 cal
Total consumed: 290

What I plan to eat for snack:
Chewy granola bar= 100 cal

Greek Grilled Chicken Salad with onions, olives, feta cheese, tomatoes, bell peppers with a vinegerette= (roughly about 500 including dressing)

Total Consumption planned: 1110

BYEeeeeeeeeeee =)


  1. aww good! smoking is bad! [i smoke too] LOL but i've been able to cut down to 1 or 2 a day =P

    nuh moo uh lyuh wuh T_T;;

    but we can do it jinah! fighting! LOL

  2. yes quit smoking! specially you do a lot of cardio. it'll help a lot. i started going to the gym too this sunday and it is not fun!! my legs are still sore!!! lol.

    my bf gave me this diet routine where i only eat carbs in the morning (cup of rice with meat. no beef or pork) then protein the whole day (tuna/fish/chicken/egg, then protein shake every 4 hrs and lastly, cottage cheese before heading to bed. oh and green tea pills & multivitamin & fiber pills!

    wow... thats a lot.. hehe. goodluck girl!

  3. congrats on deciding to quit smoking - I know how difficult it can be (I quit multiple times over the course of 5 years, haha) but you can definitely do it :) just chew some sugarless gum or something whenever you get a craving.

    I think it's practically a requirement that anyone in the food industry take up smoking for part of the time, lol

  4. I watched your recent tutorials and was hoping you had the time to update your blog. I know this comment doesn't belong in the right spot.

    Anyways, I know school can be tough, let alone being away from home. Just wanted to say KEEP GOING, it will be over with soon. Thanks for taking the time to do tutorials!

    Also, thanks for using NYX eyeshadows on your videos. I LOVE how your looks always look awesome without having to use MAC or any of the high-end makeup. THANKS for being so much fun!

  5. hey, came to your blog via a link on one of your youtube vids. your blogs pretty inspiring, its awesome seeing you giving your best shot in everything! and you're so pretty too. thanks for all the great posts!

  6. jinah you definately need to be consumting at least 1200 calories a day - that is the MINIMUM consumption suggested for women to be healthy. you can up it if you are working out, which you are!!!! otherwise it can lead to your body going into starvation mode and hanging onto the fat (BAD). also, later on the rate of your weight loss will not be as fast and you will start to plateau because you are NOT EATING ENOUGH which causes your body to cling onto anything. the goal, rather, is to fire up and speed up your metabolism and burn fat all the time. this can be done by packing on lean muscle which can only be done by eating protein, carbs and fats and recovery!

