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Thursday, June 4, 2009

another day

Chef grading my food based on flavor, presentation, method =]

yummy yummy yummy!!!!!!!!
Whole Roasted Chicken with made from scratch gravy, served with sauteed broccoli rahb, ratatouille & roasted red bliss garlic herb potatoes. :::drool:: was soooooo friggin good!!

Ok first is first.
So remember, my workout/diet started exactly 1 month ago.
Refresher: 5'5 in height.

May 4= 163.8 lbs.

Today's weigh in June 4= 152.8 lbs.
Weight loss= -11

WOOOOOOOOooo =] FINALLY over the 10 pound mark. YAYYYY!! I gotta tell you guys.. It's been HELLLLLLLLLLLLL the last few days.. or the last week.. My workouts have been hard.. I mean I'll do my routine.. and well.. I stopped sweating as much as when i first began.

Which is whyy the last 4 days I've switched it up completely.
Seriously.. my body is aching and my routine right now. I hate it!! buttttt it's working!
What do i do differently?

Well remember, I use to do 10 min. of stairmaster and 20 min. on ellipticals. Thennnn I ended up doing 30 min. of ellipticals cause it seemed easier. LOL. BAD MOVE.

The last 4 days.. I've been doing 15 min. on stairmaster.. and i increase the speed every 2 minutes starting at level 5... then I do 10 minutes of running. I'll actually incline it up to 13.. and power walk, then i'll lower the level back to 1 and run.. etc.etc. Finally i finish off doing 20 minutes on the ellips.

It's hard as HECK! I want to shoot myself at times. LIke once i get on the ellipticals.. i seriously just.. want to die. LOL BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT it's called perserverance right?! You just HAVE to do it!!

I've been getting alot of questions on asking howwwwwwww you get motivated. You have to findddd motivation in yourselffff to just DO IT. I'm telling you, don't let yourself think. Don't let yourself calculate for the future. JUST DO IT. No excuses. No, I need motivation. JUST dooooooo the motivation. Once you get moving.. force yourself.. you'll start losing weight. It's the act of doing it that just motivates me. I do it.. and when i'm done.. I'm so proud of myself and i think hey, it wasn't that bad! I can do this!

Sit down and think for a bit. You really gotta dig deep if you want to lose weight. IT's not just about losing weight either. You have to change your lifestyle you know? Losing weight is all about habit. A Lifestyle change. Think positive tooooooooo =] Cause based on what I'm hearing from you ladies.. you guys are doing PHENOMENAL! Really! I'm so proud of all of you! You guys totally make my day when i read your comments and know that you all are also cringing in pain at the gym. LOL


Ok i'm about to run late to class so i'll update you guys soon again =]


  1. keep it up girly!! u can doooo it! haha.. and yeah guys are weird.. u never know what they are thinking.. just live ur life and they either want to be in urs or not.. can't force it any other way.. miss ya!! =)

  2. reading your entry makes me want to go to the gym. i work 10 hour days and, when i go home, i'm just exhausted. yesterday, i went to the pool after work and, as soon as i got in, it started thundering! hahah, i ran out of there so fast. :(
    MOTIVATION. that one word is just so hard to find. i agree, you just have to get out there. the process of losing weight is hard but when you start seeing results, i think that's when motivation truly kicks in. i'm sending you something on saturday, so keep a look out! <3

  3. ahh....motivation.
    it is so hard to find....buuuut it's IS worth it in the end.... i mean a whole new me is something that i shouldn't mind working for right?

    and that chicken and broccoli rahb looks realllllllly good.....hmm....might be a good time to look up some more yummy but healthy recipes for myself.

  4. congrats on the weight loss jinnah, you are seriously doing amazing, and i totally agree about the motivation thing, haha nike said it best, just do itttttttt lol

  5. I just saw your blog....I love2 your Youtube channel....Wow...U loss a lot of weight I hope I can do it as well....u look great.....

  6. Hey Jinah! I'm one of your subscribers on youtube and I just wanted to say that I think you're such an amazing, gorgeous person. You have a beautiful personality and sense of humor and I really enjoy reading your entries! I seriously look forward to reading them! I too am trying to lose weight and over the past few entries i've read of yours, i have been really motivated by you! Especially that time when you said that the moment that you really don't feel like going to work out is the moment that you get dressed and go! I've been doing whenever I feel un-motivated and it works! So thank you so much! I'm glad that I feel like I have a 'partner' in this journey! I wish you the best of everything!! xx

  7. I won't be redundant, but the comments above, are exactly what I felt like writing. I was able to relate to your post.

    I am willing to lose all the weight I have gained throughout the school year. I need to work on my arms, my thighs and my stomach (well basically all over).

    I was wondering if you could post an entry specifically on what you do weekly to lose weight in terms of food and workouts bcz I am amazed by your results.

    I especially realized that your legs are so thin! How do you work the lower body? Is it only through cardio, like the treadmill?

    Thank you for being such an inspiration.
