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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

home sweet home...

Hey ladies :)
So i'm back from my weekend trip.. which was amazing..
I guess I should start with pictures?

On our way to the beach =] so happy!!

kind of gloomy out though =(


He gave me two thumbs down.. i gave it back to him lol
I think.. you have a booger...
-__________- stop copying me.
HOLY COW! You don't have to pump gas... in jersey krajee huh?! They do it for you.. interesting.. and gas is cHEAPER TOO!
We had calamari.. twice. LOL. i <3>
he loves his seafood.. such an old man. LOL. clams.. scallops.. oysters.. anything seaaaaa he loves
:] his birthday embarrassment at habachi..
the food was soooo good.. except... we barely ate it cause we snacked too much at the boardwalk.

toooo early.. can you tell.. not quiet.. awake LOL
he loves lemonade. like... ALOT.. hahaha
always on the phone..
RIDICULOUS.. we had to pay to get on the beach... WHO DOES THAT?! >.<

ANYWHOOOOOOOOOOOO =) so a run down of the weekend..

Friday night.. I decided to surprise allen... since Saturday was his birthday.. I wanted to do something for him.. aside from the whole weekend trip.. I didn't know what to do.. No car to go shop.. no $$ until i get home.. etc.. so i went to my school bookstore.. LOL.. and walked around for a while looking for something.. to make i guess.
I ended up with this..
An egg whisk.. that i thought was adorable..
I printed a picture.. of me.. and made it into a goofy picture thingymajigger? I know i know.. not that creative.. but yeah.
Click on the pictures to see moreee detaileeed =]
ANyway.. so then........ I wrapped the egg whisk in... tissue.. and covered it with the rose pedals from the roses he gave me a week ago =)

This is the cake i got him from my school bakery.. sooooooo good.. it was a dark chocolate devil's cake? Not so sweet.. but just sweet enough. yum.
LOL it was funny.. i tried to think of ways to.. surprise him... so.. right after class i rushed back to my room.. and got ready.. I wore the dress that he bought me 2 weeks ago.. set up a little.. table in the middle of my dorm room.. put the cake in the middle.. with rose pedals around it.. then he calls me.. and i tell him to come up for a second to help me.. so then he comes in.. LOL GG we're not allowed to have candles in the room so i held up a lighter.. and sadly i'm horrible at being romantic.. so i couldn't stop laughing.. out of embarrassment.. i sang happy birthday.. and i meant to do it.. seriously but i was just too embarrassed so i ended up singing while laughing.. in KOREAN AHAHAhahahah.

Sooooo then he opens the present.. and yadadadadadada.. it was cute.. although that'll be the last attempt of mine to be somewhat romantic. I'm HORRIBLE AT it LOL.

we rush like crazy cause he bought tickets to watch transformers.. so.. we watch the movie.. which was okay. i was kinda disappointed. but yeah..

The next morning we leave for our trip.. stop by dunkin donuts.. and some hugeeeeeee mall on the way.. i forget what it was called.. but i ended up not getting anything. LOL. NOt that i didn't want to.. but.. i just figured... logically i don't need anything right now.. and with my weight fluctuating.. I don't want to get something and be disappointed with it not fitting you know?
BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess what!!!!!!!1 It's official.. At hollister... gap.. and forever 21.. and charlotte.. I'm an official size 8. WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Sounds cheesy.. i know. LOL
but i've never been a size 8! When i got to school here.. i was still a 13.

Back to the trip.. so we leave the mall.. Allen ended up getting some shoes.. and a shirt from Banana.. He loves Banana :].

We get to our hotel in Jersey.. and head to the boardwalk/beach. Amazing! It was beautiful.. even though the sun wasn't out.. it felt soooooo goooooood to smell the ocean breeze.

Talk about my diet being shot. COMPLETELY SHOT. Allen's about to get me chunky again. oh boy.. we ate so much junk food.. ice cream.. calamari.. candy.. clams.. after the beach he took me to dinner at this nice Habachi restaurant. Soooooo gooooooooood.
I had a mixed drink.. and that completely made me gone for the night. 1 drink!! RIDICULOUS. lol.

Sunday morning.. we went back to the beach and had moreeeeee calamari AHAhaha.. and more clams... and shrimp cocktail.. thennnnnn we left to Fort Lee. He wanted to show me k-town there.. I bought me some fooooooooood to take home.. we ate at a korean restaurant.. had some coffee at a tea house.. then came home..

It was such a nice trip. =] It was so relaxing. I just didn't want to come home.

So yeah.. as far as school.. I'm about to finish skills 3... I have my practical tomorrow.. We have to draw a recipe.. and have 2 hours to execute it for 12 portions. Nervous.

Thursday.. is my last day of class.. then i'm off to summer vaca in cALI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I miss home.

and i'm soooooooo glad to be going home.. I leave Friday @ 6:30am.. Allen's taking me.. he took the day off work.. so we'll be leaving the campus around 3am.
Can't wait.
can't wait.
can't wait.

mommy & daddy.. and puppies.. and babies.. and sister & brother.. and brother in law.. WOOOooooo :]

I need to make a video soon.. but haven't had the time.. We'll seeeeeee!!!

i love you allll <3>
don't forget to find me on facebook :]

have a beautiful tuesday loves!


  1. U look like soo in love:) My fave photo is the one where you are looking at him and he is looking into camera:)Very happy 4U Jinah!

  2. jinah!! you look so pretty in your pics! im glad you had a amazing time at the beach :)

  3. omg! that was soooooo sweet of you! & him of course. I though thw egg whisk thingy was soooo cute!!! I'm glad you had lots of fun and YAY FOR SIZE 8!! LOL I know ur sooo excited to go back home =) Hope to hear from u soon!

  4. I'm so proud of you Jinah!! You look amazing! Life is treating you well ^_^

  5. Yay I am so happy that you are happy Jinah! haha your present was so sweet! And that cake looks amazing! Haha when my bf moved to NJ he kept on getting out of the car and trying to pump gas.. haha He wasn't used to it!

  6. yay jinah! i'm so happy that you're happy! =)

  7. u guys are sooo cute!! haha.. aww.. don't goooo.. gonna miss ya while u're in cali! come back soon! =)

  8. aww you guys look SUPER CUTE together! i'm so happy for you jinah! :]

  9. oh my GOSh Jinah! You look absolutely stunning! Literally- you look HAWT! You are such an inspiration for us girls! Youve motivated me to go to the gym and stick to it! Ad eat healthier! Im so glad you found a sweet guy! You truly deserve it!!<3

  10. omg the picture with the farris wheel looks a lot like santamonica!

    he's korean too? lol
    well you guys are wayy too cute together <3

  11. You're look a little stressed on some pictures (heartbeat maybe ?^^)

    And I tell you girl, "big or thin" you're always pretty !

  12. the picture frame idea is so cute & creative! & it sounds like you had an awesome weekend! (= the picture of your bf & you picking each other's nose is priceless. lol.

    was the forever21 store huge with 2 floors? if so, then that's the garden state plaza mall. otherwise, you were probably at jersey garden mall, which is also another big mall in NJ. i guess the good thing about living in jersey is shopping..i live across the street from outlets. -__-

  13. calamari = YUMMYYYYYY!!!! =]

    you guys are so cute togetherrrrr!!! And you look hella gorgeous!!!! =]

  14. So cute. You guys are meant to be. My very best wishes for the two of you.

  15. ur skin is flawless!! im super jealous lol keep us updated when you get back to cali. take care!!

  16. Aww wayyyy cute!! Girl I am so happy for you, it's so nice to see you enjoying yourself and having a good time. Have a safe trip back to SD! =)

  17. Girl... you look so happy and you look HOT!!!! The cake you got him looked so cute and I bet it was delish.

  18. LoL I live in Fort Lee. :) I'm so amazed that your campus bookstore sells egg whisks, but of course! Man, all we had were college logo teddy bears, so I got my bf that =P And that cake looks amazingly beautiful. What a happy and luminous post- I think your bf looks like an Asian version of TI

  19. lol. where'd yu go in jersey ?
    yeah we don't pump our gas. it's really nice. it's annoying to go somewhere else & have to get out the car and do all that stuff with credit cards and what not.

  20. Hi Jinah!! I stumbled across your page after I saw one of your youtube videos. (which might I add was very informative TY! ^^) I SO wish I could do makeup like you .. I'm 25 and I'm still clueless :P ... you look great btw!! I've been trying to loose weight too ... but I haven't been all that motivated ... :P you def. got me more motivated tho, TY again! ... well just wanted to tell you I think your super cute ... and you and your BF look adorable together! I wish you two the best!! :)

  21. you look really good ms. jinah!! Im glad your sticking to your goal :)

  22. your boyfriend is soooo cute! hahaha.... :)

  23. you guys look really happy and cute together! have fun on your vacay!

    I went to the jersey shore last weekend and boy was i surprised that we didn't have to pump the gas! i believe it's mandatory that you don't! made me almost just want to try it myself anyways =)

  24. ahhh so cute!!!!!! i'm so happy for you :]

  25. You guys are good looking ;) and girl you have nice legs! i'm jealous...

  26. That's great!=3 You must be so happy. I'm happy for you . You guys go well together ^^

    Not to be a party pooper or anything but I think I missed out on a part. But what happened to Bong?
