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Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Hello everyone? :)
I'm gonna avoid the whole yeah haven't updated.
I'm sure you girls are so use to it.. I don't even know if anyone still reads my blogs? LOL!

But just to get in the groove of blogging again.. I'm just gonna do a short post since I have a few minutes to spare at work.

quick rundown.
-Allen turned 30 a week ago!
-It was our 2 year anniversary 2 weeks ago.
-I officially am in debt forever now that my 450968540986456 students loans have kicked in.
-I've been stressing and thinking about what my plans are for the next few years.
-Thinking of going to Italy for a year? (It was a 50/50 before.. but my finances are making it less realistic)
-Work. work. work.
-My patience for random people is at a negative.
-I can't stand idiots.
-Work is stressful.
-I recently joined a meetup group for asian ladies in SD.
-I recently bought an ukulele.
-I love Michael Bubble.
-I've gained a few so much for summer.
-I'm in love with my church in San Diego. (It is beyond amazing.)
-I'm aching to shop but I'm trying to focus on saving and paying off my debt. LOL.
-I caught some guy trying to steal at my store (ridiculous cause the store is inside of a courthouse where there are 3495830495 sheriffs)
-Some lady tried to pull off that she was homeless, divorced, broke, ex military, disabled to get free food... complete bull. (I ended up paying for her food out of my pocket cause she wouldn't stop... whining.. and frankly I felt bad.. stupid me.. the next day.. she came in fully made up.. pretending to be someone else. -_- and managed to by all this junk food.

Ok that's it for now..
I think I might be posting a vlog tonight on youtube?
Sorry for the short rundown!! Butttttttttt I'm going to tryyyyy to atleast write something!

Miss you all.
-Jinah :)


  1. Congrats on the anniverary! My 3rd year anniversary is coming up in december.

    Girl I know how you feel about being in debt, and Im still in school for another 6 years!!! lol.

  2. Welcome back!
    Congratulation on Alan's Bday and your anniversary! Wow, time must really fly for you two!
    How is San Diego? I eventually want to make a move there :)

  3. You seem to have a lot of talents. I enjoyed hearing you talk about your troubles on your youtube video, although I wish you didn't have such woes, lol. Anyways, hope you get to take that trip before the reality of the school debts set in.

  4. hello beautiful Jinah :)! welcome back, glad to hear from you and know you are doing okay. hope to read more updates and congrats on you and allen's 2nd year anniversary!

  5. I still read your blog! You're so inspirational and quirky!
    Good luck with the college loans!

  6. Miss you Esther! Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary :)

  7. Hi just wanted to tell you that I completely LOVE your YT channel and vids :) keep up blogging too ^^

  8. Hi Jinah! I totally LOVE you! It's so hard finding asian girls who do amazing makeup for no-lids! I am so glad I found your YT videos!! You are the best. Have you ever thought of launching your own line of makeup? Seriously, I'd buy it! You're one of a kind, and have star power, girl :)

  9. Just found your lovely blog! Hope you'll update again soon because I love it :)
