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Sunday, June 10, 2012

I said yes..

it's so beautiful.

Heh.. I'm still kind of dazed by the whole thing..
It's pretty pathetic to say, but I never thought in a million years... maybe in my dreams yes.. but definitely not in reality that a man would love me so much.

I use to think as I was growing up that I would probably be that girl.. the one that settled for some sore loser. I had such low self esteem that I thought that settling was my only option. Who would love such a girl? I imagined myself getting married to a prince charming.. but thought in reality that I would end up marrying some guy... who couldn't get a job... who lived with his parents.. was shorter than me... lazier than me.. and completely hopeless.

Definitely not Allen

Hehe.. anyway, it happened and I'm thrilled!! He was so sweet about the whole thing.
In short..

-He asked my parent's permission.
-My mom blurrteeed the whole thing to me ahead of time. fml.
-My dad ends up announcing the whole thing over dinner. fml. FYI- Allen begged him not to tell me. poor Allen lol.
-Allen delays the proposal since the whole plan was ruined.
-THe day he was suppose to propose ended up a complete disaster (he tried to propose at the beach in Coronado.. EXCEPT.. it was starting to rain.. it was windy... sand was in our face.. lol... didn't happen. DInner was then completely ruined by a racist bartender, a crappy server, a group of drunk people who thought Allen was the valet guy.. fml. -Proposal didn't happen).
-Went to Vegas with the family for memorial weekend.. hotel ended up being crappy and every attempt at Allen trying to pop the question was just fail after fail. LOL funny because I was dying for the ring.. I knewwwwwww it was in his pocket.. SO CLOSE yet SO FAR!!!!! He still refused to give it to me until the right moment.
-The day after Vegas.. was his departure day.. (He got a job in New York.. so he was leaving CA for good).
-It was on this day.. May 29th that he asked me.
-Happened on a 1 hour harbor cruise around downtown SD.
-We had laughed about the last 2 weeks... about how unconventional this was. How we're meant to never get the first time around right.. lol. We made an awkward... stressful situation into an everlasting memory of complete humor.
-The moment it happened...

I was standing on the deck against the rail of the boat.. looking out at downtown.. He had his arms around me.. We were just enjoying the weather and our last few hours before his flight... when he whispered in my ear as he was putting on the ring.. if I would marry him...

heh. Not gonna lie.. let's just pause because I LITERALLY don't remember much more after that... LOL!! I saw the ring and was so surprised that my mind kind of blanked out... The size of the BLING just kind of made me choke!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

And then comes... epic fail # 4309458034985... the ring.... stopped at my 2nd joint LOLLLLLLLL!!!!! (don't worry it fits now) WAHAHAHAHA

Anyway.. I laughed my heart out and screamed and giggled and wowed myself for a few hours..
He was thrilled that I was thrilled.

As I sat down on one of the benches... he told me.. that he would've bought me no less of a diamond.. because I was worth so much more.. .... shutter!!!!!!!!!!! My heart skipped a few beats.. I've never really felt so loved in my life!!

I'm telling you!! I haven't been able to sleep the last few weeks! I keep waking up in the middle of the night to look at my ring!! lOL! I'd wake up... look at it... SCREAmm!!! Admire it.. and fall back asleep! WAAahahahahahahaha

So yeah! That's the whole story..

BUT nowwwww for the good stuff!!!!

I have sooooooooooooooooo many things to do!!

-Lose weight (I'm down 8 pounds since the day after Allen proposed!!! MOTIVATED!!)
-buy my dress (I already have it picked but I'm not buying it until I lose some weight dangit!!) This is what I have my heart set on... good thing Allen promised me wouldn't check my blog!

(the one on the right is the one!!)
-find a photographer
-find a dj
-find a venue
-figure out the catering situation
-ask all my bridal party.. which.. BY THE WAY!!! I ASKED MY BESTESTESTEST FRIEND FRED.. TO BE MY BRIDESMAN!!!!!!! LOL!!!!! I know it's unconventional.. but HEY!! Allen and I are unconventional!! Anddddd I can't have my wedding without my bestest friend!! I love him dearly!!

Here's the card that I made to ask him!

His reaction.. was PRICELESS...
He was quiet for a few minutes... then looks at me and says.. "IS this allowed!?" ROFL.
Then he said heck yes!! And then.... we laughed.. and laughed.. and laughed..
I promised him he didn't have to wear a dress. LOL

-My colors?
-The date- September 21, 2013!

If you guys have anyyyyyyyyyy wedding advice pleaseeeeee adviseee!!
I'm on a sore budget.. and practically had my first breakdown the other day over the overwhelming cost of the whole thing!
Allen and I will be charging a good lump of it :(.
Budget: $15,000 >.<

Will update you guys more soon!

OO and by the way!! I bought this new Remington 1 1/2 curling iron without the clamp thing at Target for $30.00!! IT's AMAAAzzzing!! Look at these waves!?!?! I'm IN LOVE with it!!!


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  2. Awe, Congratulations! That ring is gorgeous.
    I'm so excited for you. I wish you the best!
    I was on pinterest the other day, and I saw this wedding check list. There is also a budget list on what to have for the wedding. I will link it. I hope it helps you plan :D

    AHH so awesome!

    1. Ahhhhh Jessi!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!! Especially for the wedding checklist! It is totally useful! Very simple to use unlike some other ones I found! <3 thanks for the love!

    I'm so glad that you met such a wonderful man whom you can share such a wonderful relationship/marriage with!! :)

    Hope to hear more details about how your wedding plan is going, how the weight loss is going, and just more about you and your fiance ;) !!! <3

  4. I'm so happy for you Jinah!
    the ring is amazing.
    God bless you both and stay happy forever :)
    P.S. I can't wait to get married either, although that may take a while, but I can wait.

  5. awww yay! congratulations! you definitely deserve all the happiness that you are receiving. The dress is absolutely gorgeous! I can't wait to see what else you have planned for your wedding!


  6. Awww, congrats Jinah!!! I'm so happy for you! :)

    <3 Alyssa

  7. hey jinah, ive been reading your blog/yt for a while! i still remember when you first posted about Allen, you sound just as in love since then. I don't even know you but by reading your blog I feel like I got to know you. You are a so beautiful inside and out! God bless your marriage and I will try to pray for you both =]

  8. I know it doesn't mean anything but i am truly happy for you!
    you seem like a really good person and reading your posts you seem so sincere
    Im honestly really happy for you!
    Congrats!!!!!!!!! ^^

  9. OMG! Congratulations! Is that a Cartier Solitaire in a Platinum band??? It looks so beautiful!

    Sorry, I have absolutely no wedding advice to give. My honey and I are getting married in January 2013 and we're tossing around the idea of eloping together with his and my immediate family. It'll be like a family vacation. :)

    Please keep us posted on your wedding planning adventure! I would love to keep reading about wedding ideas you have!

    Congratulations again!

  10. Congrats, I am so happy for you and you deserve the best. By the way, How did you meet Allen? I would love to read your love story. =D

  11. Congratulations Jinah!!! How did you and Allen meet? Please share with us your story!
