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Thursday, March 14, 2013

2013. This is my year.

Hey Loves!

I'm back and relaunching EVERYTHING! This year is my year! 2013... you are going to be amazing!  
So, I have so much to catch up on but I'm just going to do the same quick run down that I always do.

May 2012  Engaged 
July 2012 Moved to Queens, NY 
  • Fell completely flat and went MIA. (Bad time for me, lonely because I moved again, frustrated because I was getting too comfortable at home, unemployed because I moved/ figuring out what exactly I wanted to do, gained weight being a couch potato/ house wife)
November 2012 Reached a stinking 177.5 lbs. WTH!!! Thanksgiving.. *SMH

February 2013 applied to be on My Fair Wedding with David Tutera  
  • So we got into the the preliminaries but ultimately we weren't what the show was looking for. They were looking for the bridezilla type... -_- 
  • Didn't get into My Fair Wedding but... it kicked me into high gear. I forced myself to make a video/ update and since then.. I've been at it!

  • On Feb. 1 just last month, I hopped on my sister's bandwagon and gave her weight loss program called Take Shape for Life a chance.
  • My first week I lost 6 pounds. WOW! LOL was ecstatic! Here are the stats.
    • Week 1/Starting weight: 169 lbs. 
    • Week 2/ 163 lbs. 
    • Week 3/159 lbs.
    • Week 4/ 156 lbs.
    • Week 5/ 154.6 
    • Total Loss in 5 weeks: -14.4 lbs. 
  • My journey to becoming a happier and healthier me is a real one! I am beyond determined to reach my goal this year.
  • Three weeks into my program, I decided to become a Health Coach with TSFL. Although I'm still losing weight, I found this as an opportunity to keep myself accountable/ help others
March 2013 I am Coaching full time and absolutely love it. I've met so many amazing girls in the last month. Nothing is more satisfying than helping others. I TRULY am blessed at the opportunity to do this with so many!
  • Bachelorette party is coming up. So excited to see some long missed friends!
What is to Come:
  • My first ever MEET & GREET!! Mark your calendars! APRIL 7, 2013- IRVINE SPECTRUM at 1:00pm right by Starbucks where all the lounge chairs are ^^. I'm crazy doing this 2 weeks before my wedding. Don't know what I was thinking. LOL
  • My wedding. Heh. I am in the works to streaming my wedding live. 
  • I am in FULL BLOWN Wedding planning mode. Wedding series will be coming up in the next week!! LOTS of videos to come!
  • April 20, 2013 getting hitched. =) Jinah Yu? :)

I'm so happy to be back!!  Thank you to all for all the continual support. I am excited and like some of the girls have been telling me for the last few years, I'm giving Youtube a chance. 

P.S. Yes, I will be focusing on filming more cooking videos post wedding. Stay tuned because it's going to be a blast! Indulge in some of my foods?


  1. Hihi!
    Lisa Li here again from FB haha. Yay you set a date for the meet up! This is such a great post! i can feel your spirit lifted :) Aja aja!

  2. congrats on your achievements! it's nice to be happy with life.
    you must be so excited for the wedding!
    wish i could come to your meetup but i am in virginia!
    good luck with everything =)

  3. Yay, you're back! Glad things are working out for you again and you look great! And I love your videos so keep posting and I can't wait to try some of your cooking tips! Good luck with the wedding plans, don't let it get the best of you!

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