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Monday, March 30, 2009

I LOVE ME SOME MEL! (LaBelleMel31)

LOOKKKKKKKKKkk what i got in the MAIL TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok.. so this is how it happened...
i woke up today thinking..
oh lovely.. another poopy monday.. =( Poopy because 1.) i was hungry as heck... i woke up late and missed breakfast... 2.) because it was raininginging.... and 3.) because.. well.. it's monday.. and monday's are POOPY days! butttttttttttt after class i walked over to the mailroom where i got a SUPER PACKAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! from mel of course..
oh man!! i was soooooooooooooooooooooo excited that i ran with the package back to my dorm.. and ripped it open LOL. (looked like a total goober doing it)

i almost cried!!!!!!!! because.. it's so sweet!!! I didn't really think anyone would send me anything.. holy molyyy.. yeah.. speechless... it's the bestestestesteset... ESTESTESTEST gift ever!! better than any of my bday gifts ever. i haven't even gotten a gift in forEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so to mel:
thank you sooooooooooooo much! it sounds real cheesy.. but i really do feel like it's christmas.. again.. like when i was 5. *BTW i'm totally tearing up these melty blends. i just ate 6. in like 3 minutes. ROFL. they're sooooooooooooo gooooooooooood!!! i think there's crack in it!! LOL!!!

*sigh =) such a wonderful day. yes indeed!!!!

OKKKKKKKk so i want to write you a letter soooooooo let me know if it's okay to send you a letter back to the address you sent the package with? <3<3<3

With that said..

SCHOOL= hard. and fabulous. =). It's so hard... but.. bottom line.. i'm enjoying every minute of it.. the challenge of having to work to earn even a C or B.. is great. I'm learning soooooooo much right now.. more than i've ever learned! I can practically name every piece of produce in the super market now =). SPECIFIC names and all!! like... Jeruselem Artichokes.. or.. Boston Butterhead lettuce.. or like.. Mustard Greens! YUMMMM. I can tell if they're mature enough.. or if they're the right condition to eat.. like for example.. did you guys know that PINEAPPLES don't get any riper by sitting out? It's best to eat them ASAP. They don't ripen after they're harvested! and the best pineapples.. are the ones that DOOO have green still on them.. =)

or like.. when we're sick.. it's not our taste buds that are dead that prevent us from tasting foods.. it's our olefactory system (which is pretty much your nasal area). It's your nose that prevents you from tasting different flavors..

So.. try this the next time you eat!! Hold/Plug your nose.. and taste.. like.. a piece of candy... you'll be able to taste bitter.. sweet... salty or sour... but that's it.. You won't be able to tell what flavor the candy is.. then afterwards... let your hand go.. and breath in while you eat the candy.. BAM!!!!!!! burst of flavor!! it's amazing! Food critics do it all the time.. Like.. Wine for example.. when you take a sip of wine.. you want to kind of slurp it in.. cause the more oxygen you bring in with the wine the more you'll be able to breath in the aroma... which helps you get the flavor more!!

=) Yes.. and chomp loud while you eat.. when you're tasting and breath in and slurp in.. it really does help.. (don't do it when you're enjoying your food though LOL) just do it when you want to really pay attention to the taste & flavor.

there's a glimpse of what i do on a daily basis LOl.

BTW. i went to the city this weekend and met.. TIFFANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YES. TIFFANY! Eyecon1218.
We had coffee and.. ice cream.. and calamari together =).. and of course.. we had a blast. She's super hot.. and soooooo sweet =).
I'm definitely going back!!!! i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed it in the city!!
It's seriously.. WOW! took my breath away.
I swear it felt like a dream. Every corner there's someone amazing doing something amazing.. I LOVE IT!!!!

Ok well i gotta jet for class but.. i'll tell you guys more soon!!
I'll be making videos reallllllllllll soooooooooooon so stay in touch!!
I miss you ladies lots!!

and THANKS AGAIN MEL!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3


  1. haha..u are TOTALLY welcome! i can't let a girl go hungry for sure! haha.. especially a chef-in-the-making! hehe.. i'm glad you love the goodies.. girll, i ate a whole box of meltyblends in one sitting!!! so addictive!! yes you can send me a letter to the address.. take care hun! =)

  2. Wow. hahaha. just wow u silly.

  3. I really enjoyed reading this Jinah, please share with us more of your culinary school experience -- I wish I could go there some day too :) Last week my boyfriend took me to check out the CIA in napa valley and I told him about you and how you got into the one in NY...sorry i've never commented on your blog before but I've been your youtube subscriber for a while now. Good luck with your classes!!!

  4. aw that was sooo sweet of mel to do that!!! im not gunna lie, i was going to do that too ^.^... but i got lazy and forgetful :P

    im glad your doing good in NY and rocking out all those veggies!

  5. ooh yay ! so much goodies ! i'm so happy for you. DUDE you got my numbers wrong ! -.-;; haha it's ok. i'll let this one slide. anywho, yes you need to come back asap ! i'm going to Mitsuwa on april 13th so i'll send you some goodies ;D.

  6. WAIT, i just realized are willing to take pics of you and the food but not with me ?!!!! i'm hurt

  7. yey!you finally got food lol!That was very sweet of mel to do that:).I hope you enjoy it and im very excited about you making new videos soon!!

    love you
    tracey x

  8. aww isn't Mel a box of sweetness!
    I hope you're doing well Jinah!
