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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

i love you!!!!!!!


You ladies are my sunshine!! (there's no sunshine here in NY only colddddddddddd rainnn)
Sooooooooo anywhOOOOOOOOo I finally have my address information :). For those of you who want it to send me letters & goodies email me!! I will most def. send it to you through there =)

Yay!!! =] For all letters & goodies I get (if i get any) I'm def. going to be posting it up here on my blogspot.. =)
Thank you thank you for all your concerns & wishes & all the love!!

Ok so here's the update. This is week 2 of school.. and things are DEF. turning up!!

i've made a few friends that i absolutely adore. No names cause i don't want to put them on the spot but just about two girls.. and two guys =) We're planning to go to the city in about 2-3 weeks! YAYYY extremely excited!
-starting to pick up a routine in school.. with this hellish schedule of mine
-starting to EAT!! and on a very positive note.. i'm LOSING WEIGHT!!! I'm not sure exactly how much i've lost.. but I know i've lost atleast 2-3 inches on my waist. LOL everyone told me that i was going to gain a grip of weight my first year here.. but nope.. i'm just losing.. and losing.. mainly because 1.) I'm eating VERY proportionate meals (the schools breakfast-dinner are much like fine dine proportions.. very small.. lite... and of course appetizing) sooooooo yeah. I'm POSITIVE that my body is in shock.. because well... I've down right got an appetite of a 400lb man LOL. I can eat a cow by myself thank you very much- hence my fat ass. LOL

still miss my family. boyfriend. and of course my friends. + my puppy =(
-still don't have time to get in all 3 meals.. it's either 1-2 meals.
-still don't have food in my room LOL.
-still in search for a genuine goooooooooooood girlfriend i can become bossom buddies with
-i sat alone at lunch 2 days ago. that was very ronery (but hopefully that doesn't happen anymore)
-want to make some videos but still toooo hectic here right now
-I have to memorize just about every fruit.. vegetable.. etc.. for class and just an idea.. there's about 50 diff. APPLES thank you very much.. (TOTALLY GONNA GET OWNED. i have the brain capacity of a peanut) HORRIBLE memory -__- ugh....

I think that's about it!!
for the most part.. I'm having a blast... the education here is ROUGH i tell you but i'm loving it. I've never had professors or chefs or whatever you want to call them.. have so many high expectations from me personally. I LOVE IT. everyone here is so... passionate of what they do it's great!!

(RAndomness: Today i woke up at 6am.. to go to the receiving dock (where they bring in all the produce in the mornings) and just watched things run... I checked out the produce.. and tried to recognize some of them.. only recognized like.. 10 out of 100 things. JEEZ LUIZ... lol then i was given the BEST GRAPE i've ever tried in my life.. sooooo good.. i learned how each veggy & fruit is inspected... whats in season.. what needs to be returned.. what comes from where. VERY INTERESTING!! )

ANYWHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! HOpe to hear from you ladies soon!!
Thanks for sharing your experiences with me!! I really loveeeee reading your guys comments.. and tips.. and of course all the encouragement. the days are getting better.. and hopefully soon warmer!

I'm off to class (Product Knowledge)!! KISSSSSSSESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS <3


  1. girlll.. don't worry, u're not going to be hungry! i'm really glad you got into this program.. hehe.. now i can see what u've learned and will be learning in culinary class bc it's just fascinating to me. i used to watch FOODTV like 24/7 - hehe.

  2. hii jinah!Well done on losing weight!And i hope the weather gets better:) love you and can't wait to see your next vid on utube xxxx

  3. Sounds like you're being extremely productive there, which is always a good thing! :)

    I wish I was losing weight during college, HAHA ^^

  4. Glad to hear that you're doing well! =)

    keep smiling! love ya!

    ♥ Ms GiLiNG

  5. So good to hear you're doing better hun! i wish i could send food & goodies but i'm in the uk! when you're checking the food just quickly sneak a bite! they'll never notice! make sure you have a bit of fun amongst all the work!!

    <3 <3


  6. You sound like you're having a blast! Even though you'll still miss your family, i'm glad you're adjusting to your surroundings. Keep up the good work.

  7. Jinah! So glad you're doing fine in NY =) Keep your chin up, girl! You're gonna have your own Food Network show one day :D

  8. Hang in there! I'm cheering you on. Hope you're enjoying yourself.

  9. Hey Jinah! I love how you do your makeup! It's so pretty! I was just wondering if you can let me know what kind of eyebrow pencil do you use? I love the way it looks and I love the color.

  10. yeah the weather here in new york is constantly going up and down >_<

    you'll get used to it eventually :D

    if you need to know anything else, just ask me!

    I was born and raised here so yeah :P

    Hope school goes well for you!!

    Best of luck!

  11. Don't write your real name and adress on your blog like this !!!!
    Even it's a school's adress, don't put it !

    Maybe, send it to people who email you.

    They are crazy people out there sweety and your behavior is very dangerous !!!!

    Take care.

  12. hey girl!
    I was just youtubing make up tutorials and came across your channel today. You are CRAZY GOOD at make up! And it's even better because you're korean and I have no eye-lid!! I thought I was doomed! I wish you could give me a lesson in person, I would totally pay you! Anyways, I subed to your channel and am now following your blog. :) Oh, and how much do you usually pay for all that product on your face? it looks so costly.

  13. Hey girl i know you been sick..i ohpe u feel better!!

    just wanna put it out there...don't forget I have a
    CONTEST going on.
    I hope you join!

  14. Hey Jina Chae!! Love ur blog & ur fotds!!! :) Keep up the great work girlly!

  15. ur goodies should've arrived by today.. enjoy them! =)
