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Monday, September 27, 2010

Plog! (picture log)

Hey loves!
I haven't put up any pictures in a while so I'm gonna do that today :)
Random pictures from the last few months of me being MIA.

Not going to talk much buttt I hope this is the beginning of me blogging/youtubing more! I've decided to really try to put aside some time for you ladies! I love you all! Thank you for the ongoing rooting & support!! :)

At school... this was in my garde manger class.. our class did a grand buffet of hor d ourves and litttleeeee appetizers. HECTIC!! tooooo many picturessss to upload but just a glimpse!

Home cooking! What I've been feeding Allen and I lol.. nothing special.
Chicken Souvlaki :) yum.
this is what you call a REAL burger LLOOLll.. made with my ownnnn ground patties!

Korean BBQ at home
Home made bakchoy kimchi :)
Whole grain healthy ratatouille pasta
corn salad mmmm

Allen's fav. steak and rosemary, basil potatoes.

My first composition design at school :)

Pictures of BOSTON & DC!!!

ok there's ALOT more so i'll update maybe tomorrow again!! With more pictures!! I love you guys!


  1. mmm. the food pictures make me hungry!
    please share some of your favorite recipes one day - i'd love to try them out.


  2. OMG that chicken looks so0o GOOD!! I really didnt realize how much I missed u Ms. Jinah Chae. Ive been around since the beginning, and I know this is not the end.
    xoxo, kristianna


  3. *gasp* you were in Boston!? ohh, the food look so delicious! You two are too cute together =]

  4. yay you're back :] just wanted to say how much i love your blog and you as a person (not meant to sound creeper) lol. but you really are an inspirational person not just because you're honest but you show real emotion and are so relateable. i miss reading your frequent entries, please come back and don't forget about us :] you and the bf look so cute and happy! hooray :D

  5. WM Style are currently doing ON SALE Shoes!!! Start Price $24USD with boots, pumps, heels all different kinds!


  6. I am sooo hungry after seeing this pics !
    Looks like you had a great time :)

    xo lala

  7. first of all, the food looks so tmpting! :)
    second of all: i love your new design.

  8. All the food looks amazinggggg <3 yumyumyum! ahhh makes my mouth water hahah :)! And class seems intense but really fun! Looks up scale too hehe. Ahh I wana travel all around soon too! Unni, are there any places you'd recommend in Boston? I think I might go there with a few friends for winter break. Are there any restaurants that I should definitly check out?

  9. クリスマス目前に家出少女にプレゼントしませんか?神待ちサイトに登録してる娘に連絡するだけで、物凄いプレゼントになるでしょう!!当然プレゼント返しは望みのまま

  10. ワンピースの物知り自慢を争ってみませんか?なんか海賊王争いみたいで良いでしょう。ちょっとレアな問題とかも出ますが、結果によってはレアな称号、ヒグマ山賊団の頭の称号が手に入るかもって、いらないかな

  11. イククルで恋の予感っ!!今話題のイクヨクルヨだからできちゃう出会い…友達を作りたい人や恋人募集中の人などが集まる当サイトで、素敵な恋をSTARTさせませんか?

  12. haha.. just saw this.. aww.. wish you could've stayed longer and the food porn pics are TDF! =D

  13. So glad you found your happy place and glad to have you back here.

    YAY for following through with your resolutions. Best of luck to whatever you are planning now ^___^
