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Sunday, September 12, 2010

To my dear readers/ friends/ supporters!

Hey girls,
It's been quiet some time since my last blog post. Time is going by sooooooooo fast for me! My sincere apologies! REALLY!! I've been meaning to update you guys, but I keep delaying it!

There's soooo much to catch up on.. so I'm going to list everything as a timeline recap!!



-Finishing up Cuisines of the Mediterraneans class... 2nd to last week.. I sprain my ankle taking out the trash during class. Go to the ER... find out it's a 3rd degree sprain.. Doctor tells me not to walk on it for 3 weeks... Leave with crutches.. go back to school to report incident.. Miss ONE DAY of class.. JUST ONE... come back on Monday.. to continue with production in the kitchen... on a fat swollen hurting ankle.. Unfortunately my school is quiet ruthless.. cause there are absolutely NO excuses for ANY absences even if it is for medical reasons endless it's an excused religious holiday.. so guess what... I fail for the day I was absent even though I hurt myself at school doing school crap. Yeah.. so to sum up ... I lose a whole letter grade...

-Go on summer vacation back to California and let my ankle re heal for 2 weeks. Completely ruined my workout... Hurt foot = nasty weight gain.

-Came back a week early from California to go on a week long vacation with Allen. We went to Boston & DC... met up with some old & new friends (Mel & Pam!!!! who by the way are awesome.) Had a phenomenal time! Seriously.. was so much fun.

-End of July = 2 month mark since I quit smoking... A big accomplishment but a painful one.. My crutch to stress relief is replaced by food. -_-.

-Begin Garde Manger class (a class that is focused on cold food items as well as sausage making, plating, color & texture coordination, etc... ex.) appetizers, hor deourves, forcemeats, sausages, etc..)

-Complete class

-Begin Banquets & Catering class... where I spent a week and a half learning how to properly work the front of the house (being a server, properly pouring wine, presenting wine, setting a table, picking up plates, serving plates, speaking, etc.) and where I spent a week preparing mass amounts of food for big catering events without sacrificing quality and finesse. Front of the house was a blast.... back of the house was rough. I got yelled at everyday. LOL.
If there's one thing I've learned in school.. it's to not take things personal.
Culinary School= Boot Camp.


-I'm 3 months away from graduating!!!!!!!
HOLY CRAP yes.. 3 months!!

-I start Wines class on Tuesday. 7 hours of lecture... everyday... on wine.. more wine.. and MORE wine.. excited... but overwhelmed. Supposedly it's a tough class as much as it's fun.

-Enough about school.

-Relationship? Allen and I are great. I adore him and all his imperfections. Did i tell you guys that he's the absolute worst dancer in the world? But he could care less... He still does these quirky embarrassing dances... everyday if not every other day.. while we're driving.. eating... watching a movie.. cleaning.. LOL. ---____---
I'm moving back to California probably sometime in January or February.. and I don't know where our relationship will go.. but I do know that we're quiet serious... and he's really considering California. I'm not forcing anything on him... because I really don't want him to move across country for my sake. I guess we'll find out what happens soon right? :)

As of now.. I'm TOTALLY freaking out. Absolutely!!! Like... the last 2 weeks I think I've grown .... over 10 white hairs... I haven't been able to sleep very well because I can't stop thinking! In 3 months.. not only am I graduating but I'm also turning 24!!!!!!

Reality check!! In the next 5 years-----> wedding.. kids... career... house.. WTH!!!!!

I'm not ready! I'M NOT READY!

It's bad.. nononono... it's not bad... it's HORRIBLE! I feel like i'm still 13.. I'm not ready for the real world..
As much as I think I'm independent.. I'm not.. I'm not because I'm not!!! Oh how I would love to go back in time..
and become a kid again.

LOL. so seriously.. I'm turning 24... and... I've been thinking about my options after school..
There's sooooooooo much I want to do.. but how and when and where and lkdjalksdjf..

So anyway.. I talked to my sister the other day.. and I've decided.. that there is plenty I want to do.. but if I want to achieve anything.. then I have to refocus my self on 1 goal.. and put everything I have into that one goal..

gotta finish laundry.. allen's nagging. LOL.


  1. I am in the same position, turning 24 in a couple of months!! aaaahhh but i graduated last year & i can say it is so exciting when you do, to gain complete freedom is great & to get into a job is even better ... so is the spending!! i'm moving in with my boyfriend soon & will be focusing on the babies!!

    good luck & keep us updated!!! xxx

  2. Wow, happy early birthday! teehee, there's so much to look forward to! Just enjoy it or go with the flowwww. You think it's so soon but when the time comes, you'll be the happiest person you can ever be =] I'm so happy for you that Allen is willing to move across the country for you, even if you didn't ask! He still put that into consideration which most guys won't do unless they love their lady and just want to be with them no matter what the circumstances are. Yay for almost done with school!

  3. Jinahhhhhhhhhh, Ive been missing u girl!!! So good to hear from u!

  4. Jinah! We've missed you! Happy to see you've uploaded a video. I've subscribed to you for a long time now, and I'm always excited to see a new video from you. ^^ Your birthday is in 3 months? Mine too! ^^ I'll be turning 19, I wish I was still a kid too. >__<'' Well, I hope to see more updates soon. Best of luck with everything! ^^
