my life as it is.. i.m.perfect

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The end of Week 1 was great!

Hey Loves!
So before I hit the sack I thought I'd blog about this past week.
As far as weight goes I've lost 7 pounds.. although I'm pretty sure I gained 2-3 from the weekend LOL which puts me at a -3 or 4?

Anyway, I'm not quiet comfortable with posting how much I weigh just yet but I will soon once I get back on the fast track!

So yeah...
I've been keeping track of my calorie burn with this nifty little gadget I bought called BodyMedia Fit Armband from Costco.. It's pretttttttttty AWESOME. You wear the armband throughout the day (and night) to keep track of things like..
ehh instead of listing it I'll just show you guys!

Here's a snapshot of the data (note: you can click on each category and it'll show you more specific details)
It's not cheap but it's a good investment. It really helps me push myself! The only thing is, is that you have to input what you consume (which you've probably noticed is not exactly up to speed on data). lol. Anyway I know how much I generally eat so I don't really spend too much time on that. You're probably thinking wth did you really burn 3500 calories?!! Yeah... which is why I'm pretty exhausted by the time I get home. My job is really really REALLY physical not to mention I work out on top of that.

Getting sleepy.. not really focusing right now so I'm going to finish this post later!

Just real quick though..

Here's my workout routine:
Mondays & Fridays= AM workout 5am-6am. 1 hour of hard cardio-> Ellipticals @ level 6-10 for 30-45 min... and Treadmill running @ 5.5 mph-6.1 mph for about 15 minutes.
PM workouts= Ellipticals for 20 mins @ same levels and Treadmill-> I run 1 mile.

Tuesday-Thursday= PM workouts= same as my morning workouts except I add 30 minutes of strength training. I workout my Arms+ Abs on Tuesday, Legs + Butt on Wed, Back + Abs Thurs

As far as what I've been eating:
Breakfast- 1 slice Whole wheat toast with 2 egg whites, spinach & tomatoes
1 english muffin with jelly & 1 tsp of cream cheese + a 80 calorie yogurt

Snack- Nuts or Yogurt

Lunch- 1/2 sandwich on whole wheat with lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, onions, jalapenos, mustard, 1/4 of an avocado & red bell pepper. (sometimes I'll add an egg white)
Grilled chicken salad (lots and lots and LOTS of veggies) dressing= balsamic vinegar and a weeeee bit of olive oil ORRRR I'll just sub in some avocado

Snack- Water. lol.

Dinner- THIS IS MY DEATH. I usually eat about 500-600 calories for breakfast, lunch & snack combined.... I purposely do this because for some reason when I get home at night I end up splurging on some crazy meal which usually is between 500-1000 calories and maybe even more!!

I burn on avg. 3000 calories a day Monday-Friday
I eat: between 1400-2000 calories a day

Saturday+Sunday= Dooms day.

End post. =( have to be up in 5 1/2 hours =( NOOOOO!

Goal this week--> -2 lbs.

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Hey Loves!

Happpyyyy EASTERR!!!!!

[picture of my nephews last year with the creepy looking Easter bunny LOL! Who wouldn't be scared!! :( Poor Daniel. lol]

Anyway, hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather outside!

Sooo after surveying everyone, I've decided that I'm going to keep my long hair! Some of the advice that I got makes perfect sense.. Because I have wavy hair it would be a pain in the arss if I had to straighten it everyday.. T-T Fail. I do wish I could've tried the hair at least once.. I just don't have the patience. Besides that, I've also lost A LOT of hair in the past year.. I think by half. The only explanation I can come up with is stress. I've learned my lesson I tell ya! STRESS=EVIL!! Evil for your body.. evil for you!!

Just absolute no bueno!!

So anyway, today I was talking to the bf asking him what I should do to motivate myself to start hitting the gym again.. and his response was that he would contribute to giving me an incentive.. so I jokingly asked him, "like..... a $$ incentive?!?!?!" .. I kind of laughed out a... $1000 shopping spree LOLLLLLL and his response? $1500!!!!! if I reach my weight loss goal of reaching 135 pounds!!!!!!!!

$1500!!! It's on.. lol
I've been feeling pretty sluggish lately and it's def. time to start losing some weight again. You girls already know how it goes.. I gain.. I lose.. I gain... I lose..
Unfortunately I'm not a very balanced person even if I try to be lol.. I go to one side of the spectrum or the other..
But it's something I'm working on!!

Anyway!! I was posting on my facebook page that maybe I should also give you girls an incentive this time to workout and reach your goals with me?!!?
Maybe a care package (lots of makeup and other random stuff?!)
I'll do like a 1st prize-3rd prize thing!!
It'll be a fun way for everyone to join in on reaching their goals and maybe if you girls also want a $$ incentive everyone who wants to make it more official can donate $5-$20 into a large cash prize pot! It'll be like biggest loser.. for us girls! :] 100% of the money will go to 3 diff. winners?
Ooo I'm already liking the idea!!

Let me know what you girls think!

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

To chop.. or not to chop?

Hey girls!! I'm debating whether I should chop my hair. >.<
PLleaseeeeeeeeeee help me decide with a yes or no!

The picture up top.. is kind of what it would look lik
e?! I haven't had it that short since... elementary school.. and I kind of think i
t's time for a change!
Different stage in life= different style?
But I can't tell if it suits m
e or not!

<3 Thanks in advance!
(side note: my hair is about 4 inches from my butt.. I recently trimmed it)
OHH YEAH! And by the way lOL.. the website I used to play with the first picture is a really fun website! Should try it out if you gals are thinking of doing a dramatic change in hairstyle?

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