It's been such a long time. As of now.. I'm still in my boyfriend's boxers (they're the BEST for PJS!~!! ) I'm craving... good ole california hole in the wall mexican burritos... :( and my toes are flipping cold!! Anyway.... Lets get to business!
Q: Jinah are you engaged?!?!
A: Lol nono! The ring you see on my finger is just a promise ring that Allen bought for me before I left to California back in November.
Q: Did you lose alot of weight?!
A: Nope, I haven't lost any. I've actually gained a few pounds back. I think my long hair just makes me seem like I've lost some weight.
Q: Are you done with school?
A: Nope, I'm on externship right now in the city.. I go back to school in April for another year!
Q: Is your boob okay?
A: LOl, yes. After taking the antibiotics.. it's back to normal :D
Q: Why have you stopped blogging/making videos?
A: I've been really busy moving from my school to California and back to New York city for my externship.
Okeys :) Now that all the general questions are done with..
How've you guys been?!? Oh boy..
so I got a comment on one of my videos the other day from a viewer saying that I shouldn't be ignoring my blog or stop making videos because I'm partner now.
::sigh:: :*( I hope you ladies don't think that! NOnononono. I sincerely hope you guys don't think that I've stopped updating because I'm partner. My life has been sooooo hectic this last year.. because of school that I've just not.. had the time. When I first started youtubing I was really just going to school part time.. and working part time..
since last March.. I've moved 3 times! From California to Hyde Park (up state new york), from Hyde Park back to California.. and from California to Manhattan. I hope you guys understand :(. I wish I had more time.. and more energy to keep up with this. I really do..
If i could only take you all into a day of my life.. oo boy.
But anyway,
I'm living in the lower east side of New York City! YES!! The city!
Isn't it crazy!? I would've NEVER thought in a million years that I'd even have the guts to live in the city by myself.. but it's true.. and I'm so amazed at how far I've come within the last year. I've pushed myself into doing the uncomfortable.. taking risks.. and sacrificing to really reach for my future. It's been tough. Thinking back on 2009 has been absolutely nutts.
I'm so grateful for everything that has happened to me.. for my family & bf who support me and love me unconditionally.
Oh man.. what a ride it's been.
My thoughts on the city:
Absolutely amazing! Once in a lifetime kind of experience! But.. man.. it's FLIPPIN EXPENSIVE!
I'm living on nickles and dimes.. on my $8.00/hr externship pay it's rough. I've never really understood how valuable money is until now. I'm scrrouuuunnnging everyyyy month to figure out rent. It's so stressful. I can now say.. that I understand why people say.. to live at home as LONGGGGG AS YOU possibly can. LOL!! Oh how i took little things for granted before.
For example:
Rice cooker!! OMG! $105.00. Yes. My tiger japanese rice cooker cost me... a whole chunk of my month's rent. :(
Ahaha. okay enough with the boring.
SO what else..
Allen's doing good :). We're doing good. Our honeymoon phase is definitely over.. we bicker at each other.. we annoy each other at times.. but we still have our moments.. He comes down every weekend.. I feel like a little girl when I see him. I still get shy... and I get self conscious at times.. He still hovers over and hugs me for a good minute when he firsts sees me.. then kisses me on the forehead.. He still does the dishes after I cook.. and does countless other things to make things easier for me. He goes grocery shopping during the week.. so that I don't have to in the city when I'm exhausted from a 10-12 hr shift in the kitchen. He really is incredible.
My china man.
i do.. i dooooooo i love my china :)
So yeah.. as far as work.. It's been... overwhelming.. but I'm definitely handling it. My first 3 weeks in the kitchen was so rough. I must've cried everyday when I got home from work. I was so exhausted... My birthday was the worst.. I felt so lonely... even though Allen was with me.. I was so exhausted emotionally and physically from work that I really.. just missed my mom.. my family.. My mom left me this 10 minute long voicemail.. and I literally just sat... crying.. and crying.. and crying.. listening to her voice. I miss her so much. Nothing is better than to hear your mom's voice when you're at your weakest.
But yeah..I thought school really did a good job preparing me for reality in the kitchen life.. WRONG.
Jeez. Endless you have rock hard skin prepare yourself... maybe it's just my kitchen at work..
but.. the amount of... harassment.. belittling.. violence... and stress you experience is just so overwhelming.. ESPECIALLY being a girl. It's amazing how much more we have to endure. But then again.. I'm like one of three girls working in my kitchen out of 50 or so guys. It's tough. I can' t say much more.. cause it'll probably bite me in the ass later..
but I've got to say..
I've definitely learned.. patience.. endurance... and perseverance.
Overall.. Because of what I've seen and heard.. I know now more definitively how I want to run my business.. and how not to run it likewise. Anyway it's getting late!!
10pm is my bedtime!!
So i'll update you guys more soon :)
In the meantime, here's some... pictures. :)
THE BEST funnel cake/ice cream ever! Allen and I had it when we went to SeaWorld in San Diego :) back in December.
Allen and I repainted the whole room before moving in completely :) to make it a little more homey