my life as it is.. i.m.perfect

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Need a vaction. BAD!

Somebodyyyyyyyyyyyyy kickkkkkkkkk meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

I need a vacation.
I just want to runnnnnn awayyyyyyyyyyy. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!

The bills just won't stop coming in..
I can't focusssss on anything!

Why does it feel like.. I'm just working... my life away.

How do all of you girls balance a full social, love, work life?!

I get up.. I work... I come home.. I go to the gym... I go to sleep..
and same thing allllllllllll over again!

I need change.. but I don't know how and what part of everything I do I need to change?
Does any of this make sense?

Life is soooooooo repetitive and draining!
Someone give me some inspiratttttttttion :(
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