my life as it is.. i.m.perfect

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

To chop.. or not to chop?

Hey girls!! I'm debating whether I should chop my hair. >.<
PLleaseeeeeeeeeee help me decide with a yes or no!

The picture up top.. is kind of what it would look lik
e?! I haven't had it that short since... elementary school.. and I kind of think i
t's time for a change!
Different stage in life= different style?
But I can't tell if it suits m
e or not!

<3 Thanks in advance!
(side note: my hair is about 4 inches from my butt.. I recently trimmed it)
OHH YEAH! And by the way lOL.. the website I used to play with the first picture is a really fun website! Should try it out if you gals are thinking of doing a dramatic change in hairstyle?


Angelica said...

You should cut it, though you look great both ways. If it's time for a change, go for it!. Hair grows back. :D

Anonymous said...

It looks pretty good to me, definitely edgier

Shay said...

agreed,you should cut it! hair grows back, and you can always wear extensions if you find yourself missing your long hair!

Almost exactly 2 years ago my hair was as long as yours, I chopped off my locks to an asymmetrical bob and while a change was nice for a while, I could hardly wait until I had long hair again. for the past year and I half, I would get excited every few months whenever I noticed my hair getting longer. its almost back to the length I used to have!

xoladiihoneyxo said...

Whoa, love your hair! I recently trimmed it and going to get a cut soon. I had my hair that short sometime last year and it grew back pretty fast. The good thing about the texture of our hair is that it grows pretty fast so I say go for it! You look good both ways but the shorter hair makes you look more mature and ready for the world =D So I say... YES! Do it. hair will always grow back

Azaza said...

Maybe not exactly that style but sure why not, go for it. I know I loved the way I looked when I got my hair cut short

Shi Hui said...

Agreed! You should chop them off and get an asymmetrical bob! Change is good!

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